Wednesday, July 1, 2020
The Remnant With Only One Hope
In the last days there will be a remnant.
A remnant
defined by having no other Hope than that found in Yeshua.
No hope
in government.
No hope in military.
No hope in man.
No hope in money.
For I consider that the sufferings of this
present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in
hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children
of God.
For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth
pangs together until now.
Not only that, but we also who have the
firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our
For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope;
for why does one still hope for what he sees?
if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Romans 8:18-25
12:04 pm | link
The Passing of a Giant... 6.21.2020

Brother Robert doing what he loved to
do best. Spread the Gospel of YESHUA. This was
one of the last pictures I received of Brother Robert 05-22-2020.
He is standing in front of one of the largest shipments of Bibles, and Pamphlets of John and Romans he had ever received. This was a miracle deliver and happened during boarder lockdowns and GOD still found a way.
The world lost a giant in the field of Missions. Robert Taylor was a man beyond words and one of the last of his
kind. I will post more in the coming days about this man as we pay our respects to this precious man and his wonderful family.
Brother Robert, I will miss you until we meet again, in New Jerusalem.
11:56 am | link
Thursday, August 24, 2017
An Eclipse, a Peace Push, and A Hurricane
I felt the need to post a quick message concerning the Kushner led "peace push."
The one thing that has continued to play over and over in my mind is a simple phrase, "One is
more willing to concede to a friend than an enemy."
I have wrestled for the past two
years with feeling like maybe I had missed something during the Obama administration, looking too much for major events that
would be tied to the un-relentless pressure that Obama had put on the Netanyahu led government. The struggle made me question
if I had been in error, too quick to jump to conclusions that might have very simply been delusions. At times, the actions
didn't seem to be met with a Biblical reaction, not that I hoped for such a thing, but it seemed as if the Obama administration
was able to avoid the types of repercussions that so quickly fell upon prior administrations.
as the phrase that I shared above kept playing through my mind I realized that it may have been Obama's open distaste for
Israel that prevented the peace talks from moving forward. Bibi knew better than to concede to the enemy, it would only mean
another "bad deal." It would seem that Bibi's iron clade resistance to Obama's pressure, offering only minor concessions
to stave off the wolves, actually resulted in a lull from major repercussions on U.S. soil that have previously been connected
to the U.S. led peace initiative.
There was no doubt Obama's moral compass was pointed
in a direction clearly at odds with scripture, a vivid indicator of the direction this unrepentant nation is still bent on
traveling. Wide is this path and well-worn is this ground that leads to destruction.
the elections the nation has been in turmoil. Social disorder, political infighting, media pushing agendas that create strife
and division. The nation is exhibiting all the signs of being outside of the peace that exceeds all understanding and looks
more and more like the fool that has cursed the GOD that breathed life into his bones.
felt led to post something tonight not because I want to be yet another person pointing out how divided we are as a nation,
rather I wanted to make the point that I believe with all that is within me that we are being given very clear signs that
as divided as we may be as a nation and how seemingly bad things have become, we haven't seen anything yet if Trump continues
to pursue a plan that results in the division of the land of Israel.
The Total Eclipse that
passed over the US came a day before the start of the 30 days of repentance and the 10 days of Awe that will culminate on
Yom Kippur. I felt that this was a clear sign to those with ears to hear and eyes to see to be prepared, the ungodly will
not have picked up on this sign, rather they only observe what is before their fleshly eyes and lack the understanding that
comes with the spiritual eyes of the Ruach HaKodesh.
Prime Ministers of Israel have
all historically suffered political strife, turmoil, disgrace, and in extreme cases even death when concessions leading to
the division of the land of Israel have been made or even entertained. Currently Netanyahu is coming up against mounting legal
battles and the threat of political scandal and ruin.
President Trump has made the "peace
process" a major goal, boasting that he is the great deal maker. With so much going on it has been easy to miss the reality
that behind the scenes there has been a very active group, led by Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is also Jewish.
This situation becomes very dangerous due to the relationship between both Trump and Netanyahu, one
that must be prayerful watched over and we must diligently request that these men would be someway open to the direction of
the Ruach HaKodesh and resist anything that would led to the division of the land of Israel and ultimately destructive consequences
for both the U.S. and Israel as well as for Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu.
one of the biggest signs is the threat of Hurricane Harvey at a time that Jared Kushner is in Israel to push the "peace
talks" on the eve of the anniversary of both the Gaza Expulsion and Hurricane Katrina. Two events that have been documented
by numerous individuals as being directly connected.
I request that those who still
come to this site please join me in praying for these men, these nations, and for YHWH's will to be done. Join me these next
38 days in seeking YESHUA's forgiving grace, HIS mercy, and to humble our heart before HIM. The days of Awe are coming and
they will be tremendous and terrible for those who have not heeded to HIS WORD and to HIS SPIRIT.
And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days,
and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven, And said, I beseech thee, O LORD GOD of heaven, the great and terrible GOD,
that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe him commandments....
Nehemiah 1:4,5
10:00 pm | link
Friday, December 23, 2016
Washington Backstabs Israel
Washington Backstabs Israel
It was eight prophetic years ago (2880 days) that I wrote the post Collapse, Destruction, and Our Back Against Israel.
In the post, as with several others, I
put up messages that I felt at the time needed to be presented for other believers to read and pray about. I have always presented
the information with humility. Few who read this site personally know me, but they will attest that it has been a spiritual
battle and at time it has even been the source of depression and tribulation for me personally and in my spiritual walk.
I would be remiss if I didn’t stand up and warn of trouble that lies ahead for the United States
of America and the nations that have agreed to condemn Israel. The resolution that was passed today is no less than a death
sentence for the nations that want to see the destruction of Israel. Egypt and the USA are two nations that will suffer beyond
comprehension. The people that look upon these nations will be in awe at the destruction, so great the destruction that modern
history will not have seen the likes of it.
I am asking all who read this
to be vigilant and prayerfully seek the Lord Yeshua for guidance. I will be watching the next 48 hours closely, but the next
week should be a time of vigilance as well.
God Bless, daniel
9:31 pm | link
Monday, August 8, 2016
The Rose and the Bride
A rose, white
and pure.
A rose among the thorns, striped with red.
Stripes of our iniquities...
Stripes of our transgressions...
Stripes of our sin...
O Shoshanah,
O Hosannah
How you love the Bride, a lily among the thorns...
Splashed in crimson, yet made white again.
The water flowed red, the
Bride rinsed pure, yet made white again.
Your judgment and compassion surrounding her every side.
Yeshua, may Your Compassion and Loving
Kindness surround the congregation.
YHWH, YHWH, you are compassionate,
Most gracious,
Slow to anger,
Abounding in kindness,
in faithfulness,
Extending kindness to the thousandth generation,
Forgiving iniquity,
Forgiving transgressions,
Forgiving sin.
You remit
not Your punishment on those who refuse teshuvah but You free from guilt the sincere.
May the parents of the precious beings raise them
in the ways of YHWH.
11:47 am | link