A Treaty I Will Proudly
| fri, august 6, 2010 |
I have felt the desire to post this treaty
that was signed by Greek Pastors in Greece that was sent to me by a fellow sibling in Jesus Christ who received it from a
very reliable source. It is my most affectionate prayer that what has been stated is 100% true and precisely reflects the
heart of these Greek pastors. So, after reading the content, I am deeply moved to share it with others. As my friend accurately
noted, "This is amazing, and very historical and very significant." God Bless -daniel
Treaty (Berit, Covenant, Amana) between Jewish and Greek believers in Yeshua haMashiah (Jesus Christ).
We invite all Greek and Jewish believers in Yeshua ha Mashiah (Jesus Christ) to participate in a special Treaty (Berit,
Covenant, Amana) of unity, love and friendship. This covenant is made on a personal basis, without excluding the believers
of Ecclesiastical Bodies (that is to say entire churches or various Christian ministries or organizations). We wish that this
covenant may be extended more widely among all Jews and Greeks and may influence the relations of our two nations in all sectors
(religious, political, scientific and cultural), and that this would bring about good and beneficial results to both of our
nations according to the eternal promises of the truth of God's Word, Gen 12:3.
We, Greek believers, recognize that in our Greek-speaking countries about the 2nd century A.D. and
afterwards, were laid the foundations of Christian anti-Semitism by the teachings of the Greek Church Fathers. As Greek Christians
and conscious believers in Jesus Christ we repent for this primeval sin of our Church. We recant the theory of Replacement
Theology that considers that the Greek nation, or more generally the Church, has replaced in God's plan the people of Israel. We want the Greeks and the Jews to feel united as are united the
Writings of the Old Testament (written in Hebrew) and the New Testament (written in Greek). The Holy Bible for the Gentile
Christians, as for the Messianic Jews, is Οne Βook written in these two languages in the prototype texts. In
a similar way, we want the Jews and Greek believers to also feel united, like The Book of books. The proposal of this Τreaty (Covenant) has a Biblical and ancient origin. It is based on the
treaty (covenant) made between Abraham and Abimelech (Genesis 21:22-34) and between Isaac and Abimelech (Genesis 26:26-33).
Abimelech was the king of the Philistines. We see also that Abraham had made another treaty (covenant) with Aner, Eshcol and
Mamre the Amorites, who helped him in the war against some kings from the east, who took Lot, his nephew, and his family,
prisoners (Genesis 14:13, 24). During history,
an exchange of letters is reported between the High Priest Jonathan and the king of Sparta Areios, where it is referred that
Spartans and Jews are brother nations and both come from Abraham (1st Maccabees 12:21). There, it is reported that the Spartans
asked the Jews to make an alliance and be friends with them. The Jews decided to send ambassadors to Sparta so that they may
renew the fraternal and friendly relations between them. (1st Maccabees 12:6-23). Reaffirmations of the Covenant of Moses were made with God before the coming of Christ (the Common
Era) by the Jewish people during the kingdoms of Josiah (2 Kings 23:3, 2 Chronicles 34:31), Asa (2 Chronicles 15:12), and
during the period of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:1, 29). Therefore, a reconfirmation of an existing covenant by a subsequent generation
is not something strange, unusual or unbiblical. So,
we don't consider that what we are doing is something new. It is a new confirmation of the New Testament of our Lord, a treaty
(covenant) already existing among all Christians. Therefore, this treaty of unity we are doing is a reconfirmation of our
Covenant (Testament, Treaty) as Christians, which is based on the New Testament made by our Lord Jesus Christ through His
sacrifice on the Cross (Luke 22:20, 1Corinthians 10:16-18). This covenant agrees with His prayer to the Father for the unity
of all believers, and especially between Jews and Gentiles (John 17:20-23). Moreover, we declare as Believing Gentiles that
we are part of the commonwealth of Israel and partakers of the testaments of the promise to Israel (Ephesians 2:11-22). This
Holy Unity was lost during the centuries because of our sin, and we ended up being estranged. Therefore, those among the people
of Israel believing in the Messiah and Lord Jesus and us believers among the Greek people, confirm officially that WE ARE
ONE IN THE MESSIAH, reconciled in His love and peace! So, if the Greek people think, believe and claim to be Christians, meaning
that they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and in His Gospel, they must fulfill the prayer of their and our Lord, accept and
believe the aforementioned words of the apostle Paul to the Ephesians, and change completely their attitude, relationship
and behavior toward Israel.
Therefore, "there is nothing new under the sun". What we want to make is
not a new thing between Greeks and Jews.
Therefore this Treaty consists of the following:
"We Greek
Christians (or any Christian from any nation who identifies with us as Gentiles), the undersigned, declare in front of God
the following:
1) We want to be united in spirit and soul, and as much as possible also materially, with our Jewish
brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and to be as One People in the Lord. (Ephesians 2:11-18). 2) We promise to pray for them, for the peace and the prosperity of Jerusalem (Ps. 122:6, 48:1-3),
which we consider to be the united and indivisible capital of the Jewish nation. 3) We pray for the blessing, return and faith of all the nation of Israel in its Messiah (Romans
11:11, 12, 15, 25, 26), that is Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, our Savior, Redeemer, Lord and King, the glory of the people
of Israel (Luke 2:32), who is to come to reign from Jerusalem as the Lion of Judah upon all humanity (Revelation 5:5). 4) During all our life, in our relations with our compatriots and
with all fellowmen, we will pursue the good of the people of Israel and renounce all kind of Anti-Semitism. 5) We humbly ask forgiveness and express our sorrow for the sin
of the Greek general Antiochus Epiphanes who, together with his soldiers, made war against the Jewish people and the believers
of those times, killed, plundered and murdered their princes the Maccabees and other Jews, tried to impose idolatry, and polluted
with abominations and idols the Temple of God (1, 2, 3, 4 books of Maccabees). We also repudiate, with feelings of disgust,
everything Greeks did in the name of their idolatrous false religion and Hellenism. We dissociate from them and we humbly
ask forgiveness from the Jewish people and from the God of Israel, asking Him to heal everything that caused enmity and hard
feelings between Greeks and Jews, which influenced our relations in history. We ask forgiveness for every sin, conscious or
unconscious, we committed against the people of Israel, even for those which we will commit perhaps in the future, since as
humans we are sinners and always prone to sin. 6)
As Christians we renounce the Replacement Theology that considers that the Church has replaced the nation of Israel as the
chosen people in God's plan for humanity. We specifically promise, as conscious Greek Christians, to declare worldwide to
the Universal Church that we committed a historical error and we sinned when we established the basics of the Replacement
Theology and caused the Church to turn away from her Jewish Roots. We will do everything possible in order to restore the
church to her Biblical Jewish Roots as it was at the beginning in the First Church. We repent before God for this historical
sin of our Forefathers and we apologize to the people of Israel. Many Greeks helped and hid Jews during World War II at the
risk of their lives. But the Replacement Theology laid the foundation of Christian Anti-Semitism that resulted in genocide
of the Chosen People of God and caused enormous grief and affliction to the Jewish nation during history. 7) We apologize as Greek Christians, because on November 29, 1947,
during the UN voting for the creation of the state of Israel, the Greek government submitted a negative vote. We did not abstain
nor did we submit a white vote, but a negative one! We consider that this was a sin and that we acted against the plan of
God. We repent for this attitude. 8) We separate
ourselves from and condemn every future political action or actions of other kinds, or decisions or attitudes that our governments,
organizations or our own people may take, which are in opposition to the Word of God concerning the Jewish people. 9) We humbly ask from our Jewish brothers and sisters to accept
this hand of friendship that we extend to them and that they make together with us this particular covenant of love. 10) Our hearts' desire is that in the future people will not only
refer to the covenant of love between David and Jonathan saying, "a Covenant as that of David and Jonathan", but
will also speak about "a covenant as the one between Jews and Greeks", considering the latter an equivalent expression
of love.
We ask the Jewish believers who accept this covenant to sign their names at the end of this page together
with all the Greek believers, or believers from other nations, who want to participate in this treaty (covenant). We believe that what we are doing is within the perfect plan of
God for the restoration of all things (Acts 3:20-22), and we find ourselves in a cardinal point of history when the will of
God for the unity of Jewish and Greek believers will be done. This will induce a reconciliation not only between our two nations,
but a larger reconciliation, acceptance and unity in the Church (the Body of Christ) between its Jewish and Gentile branches,
since the Greeks, according to apostle Paul's thoughts represent all Gentiles (Romans 1:16). There will be an acceptance of
the Jewish people as a blessed people from all the people of the earth. From such an attitude depends the blessing of all
humanity according to the promise of God to Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse
you, and in you will be blessed all the families of the earth" (Genesis 12:3). We pray and we invoke our heavenly, righteous and impartial Father, in the name of our mutual Lord
Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit that He may watch over this solemn promise we make in front of Him and that He may bless it.
May He judge those who violate it. May He bless both our nations. We ask for the blessing of Abraham to come upon us, according
to the promise of God in Genesis 12:1-3. The message of the Gospel of Yeshua haMashiah (Jesus Christ) is to the Jew first
and to the Greek. Amen". ----------
I agree 100% and will proudly sign.
