Defiance in the Apple
| wed, june 27, 2012 |
Updates are in Red with explanation at
the bottom of this page. Updated 7/5/2012 -daniel
The bricks are fallen down, but we
will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars. Isaiah 9:10
Since the attack on the Twin Towers, it has been 3,940
days, and the last I-beam was hoisted atop the 4 World Trade Center in New York City on June 25, 2012.
On this day, Gilad Shalit was in New York City; while there he briefly met with Mayor Bloomberg and
was received as an honorary guest to New York City. It was on this exact day, six years prior, that he was taken captive by
Hamas and held for 1,941 days in captivity. It was also on this day, June 25, 2006, that a wicked storm took out a tree at
the White House, a tree featured on the back of the 20-dollar bill.
It would be exactly 3-prophetic years later, or 1080 days,
that another tree at the White House would fall due to a storm, a seventy year old Linden. This tree fell a day after a picture
was released of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with the soles of his
shoes visible, a well-known insult in the Middle East.

It is no coincidence
that on the very day Gilad Shalit is welcomed in New York City as an honorary guest by Mayor Bloomberg, the final beam was
hoisted upon the new Four World Trade Center tower. During the brief visit with Mayor Bloomberg,
Gilad Shalit received a crystal apple donated by Tiffany's. This, too, is a clear sign. Though this apple
is meant to be symbolic of New York City, or the Big Apple, it is in all actuality a final witness against the daughter of
ancient Babylon and a final warning for Israel for the apple is also a reminder that Israel is the apple of God's eye.
Just as Gilad Shalit left New York City shortly after receiving the crystal apple, so, too, should Israel cut herself from
the influence and oppression of Babylon before destruction falls upon her shores. Israel must flee to YHVH and rely on HIS
strength alone. Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon, For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the
glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye. For behold,
I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the LORD of host hath
sent me. Zechariah 2:7-9 On Monday the final beam of the 72-story Four World Trade Center was hoisted and
Mayor Bloomberg received Gilad Shalit 72-months to the day after he was taken captive by Hamas. Just as it was 72-years ago
in 1940, the world today is staring the specter of multi-nation war directly in the face. As I have noted for at least three years on this site, I have had
a burden upon my heart for many years now to be increasingly vigilant around the date of July 11. I do not know if any event
will take place, just as in years past, it could come and go without any pause, but I feel that I must still ask all who will
listen to observe the signs and witnesses YHVH has put in place against this nation called the US of A. Lest we not forget President Obama's blasphemous remarks made on May 9, 2009, at the White
House Correspondents' Dinner, in which he said, "Finally, I believe that my next hundred days will be so successful
I will be able to complete them in 72 days. And on the 73rd day I will rest." The 72nd day of Obama's second 100 days was July 11, 2009.
The last I-beam lifted upon the 72-story Four World Trade Center on June 25, 2012, is exactly
1,080 days or three prophetic years from July 11, 2009. Obama's first 100-days in office transpired on April 30, 2009, with July 11, 2011, being 72-days from this date.
Three years later to the day, on April 30, 2012, the One World Trade Center became the tallest
building in New York City, and in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu father, Benzion Netanyahu, passed away at the
age of 102. What then are the odds that exactly three years later, on April 30, 2012, the 1 WTC
becomes the tallest building in New York City on the very same day that Benzion Netanyahu passes away? Could this day begin
the 72-day countdown uttered from the lips of President Obama three years prior, could he have been prophesying in ignorance?
Just as April 30, 2009, appears
to have a parallel three years later, so too does the date May 9, 2009. Exactly three years after President Obama blasphemed
YHVH with his remarks at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, he came out in support of gay marriage on May 9, 2012. Here is a brief recap: April 30, 2009 - Obama's 100th day in office. Seventy-two days later is July
11, 2009. April 30, 2012 - 1
WTC becomes the tallest building in New York and Benzion Netanyahu dies at 102. May 9, 2009 - Obama blasphemes YHVH with his remark at the WHCD. May 9, 2012 - Obama blasphemes YHVH by coming out and supporting gay marriage. Could it be that the 72-day countdown starts with the One World Trade Center becoming the tallest building in New York City? Is Obama's blasphemy a
double witness to watch for the 72nd day? Oddly enough, the last beam to be placed on the Four World Trade Center on June 25,
2012, the same day Gilad Shalit receives the crystal apple from Mayor Bloomberg, President Obama inscribed a message on it
just 11 days earlier on June 14, 2012, "We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger." In my
opinion and with all conviction perceive that these events have brought the warning of Isaiah 9:10 into motion for the final
conclusion as they would pertain to the United States of America. Jacob, flee to the KING. God Bless, daniel
Explanation for changes within this
In light of possible
confusion, I feel that it is necessary to clarify a few details I presented originally in this post, Defiance in the Apple.
In this post I drew a correlation to the World Trade Center setting the final beam of the 72-story structure on the same day
that Gilad Shalit received a crystal apple from Mayor Bloomberg on the 72-month anniversary of his capture by Hamas. Later
in this post, I noted that the World Trade Center had become the tallest building in New York City on April 30, 2012. Upon
reading these facts it is easy to view these events as pertaining to the same tower, since I didn't properly specify, or distinguish
that these facts pertain to two different towers located on the World Trade Center site. So, for the purpose of clarity, I wanted to ensure that all readers
are aware of the following facts. On June 25, 2012, the last I-beam was hoisted upon Four World Trade Center. On April 30, 2012, One World Trade Center, also known
as Freedom Tower, became the tallest building in New York City. I do apologize for not properly distinguishing the two towers as I presented
the facts and subsequent correlations to other events that took place on their respective days. To reflect the changes made, I have written in red the name of
the exact tower being referenced. Though the towers are different, I do not feel in anyway that it changes or affects the correlations drawn between
events that took place on the same day. The World Trade Center complex and the individual towers that are being rebuilt in
the footprints of those destroyed in the 9/11 attacks, though individual, should be viewed as one body. The body of the WTC
complex, made up of individual structures, including the National September 11 Memorial built in the footprints of the Twin
Towers, all embody and reflect the defiant spirit spoken of in Isaiah 9:10. The structures that make up the complex, whether
it is the One World Trade Center, Four World Trade Center, 9-11 Memorial, etc., are all visual representations of this spirit
and it is of my belief, as well as the belief of many others, that the achievements and the crossroads at which time these
achievements pass, are not only note worthy, but significant, especially when these achievements intersect other prophetically
significant events. In the future I will make sure, to the best of my ability, that all information is discernable and accurate. If and
when I make mistakes, it is my policy to make the reader aware of the mistake and correct it with accurate information. I
will never, twist or bend information on this site in order to make an observation work in the favor of Scripture, I don't
need to. If the connection is there, the Spirit will lead. God Bless, daniel One World Trade Center is located in the northwest corner of the 16-acre
World Trade Center complex. The 1 WTC tower is built in the location previously occupied by the 8-story Six World Trade Center
prior to 9-11. The cornerstone to the tower was ceremoniously laid on July 4, 2004; yet, further construction was postponed
until 2006. Construction for the foundation of the 104-story tower began on April 27, 2006, which is ironically the 75th anniversary
of the opening of the Empire State Building in 1931. Upon completion the tower will rise to a symbolic 1,776 feet, making
it the third-tallest building in the world by pinnacle height and the first tallest building in the Northern Hemisphere. A
beam-signing ceremony was held on December 17, 2006, at Battery Park City, before the first 30-foot steel beam was welded
to the tower's base two days later. It took a year to pour the footings and finish the foundation. By May 17, 2008, the concrete
core of the tower reached street level, with the base being completed by the spring of 2010. On the ten-year anniversary of
the 9-11 attacks, the concrete flooring had reached the 72-floor. By April 30, 2012, 1 WTC became the tallest building in
New York City, surpassing the 1250-foot roof height of the Empire State Building. Four World Trade Center is located
in the southeast corner of the 16-acre World Trade Center complex. This tower was rebuilt in the footprint of the previous
Four World Trade Center. The previous tower was 9-stories, the new tower will be 72-stories. The ground breaking took place
in January 2008. The building topped out on June 25, 2012.

Twelve Days and the Expulsion
Why is this so significant? The evictions began on Thursday, June 28th, and carried over after sundown.
Sundown starts a new day on the Hebrew calendar, so it would be Tammuz 9, which is 12-days before Tammuz 21, or July 11, 2012.
Could the LORD be giving a sign
that just as in 2005, 12-days from the start of the forceful evictions of Israelis from their homes, we too could witness
a heavy penalty brought against the to the United States of America for her hand of involvement in the present day evictions? (Click to Continue)