Major Dividing Event
| mon, january 11, 2010 |
A meeting last Friday at the White House seemed
to be followed with a Divine response similar to one that took place early last August.
In Washington on
August 3, 2009, two Arab leaders came to urge the Obama administration to increase its diplomatic pressure in Israel
shortly after Saudi Arabia had accused the Netanyahu-led government of not being serious about peace negotiations with the
Palestinians. President Obama met with Kuwait's
emir, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al Sabah while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with the Jordanian Foreign Minister
Nasser Judeh. Both of these Arab leaders came with the same message: placing the burden of proof on Israel to start
reviving the stalled peace process.

On that same day a strong 6.9-magnitude earthquake struck off Baja California in northwestern
Mexico. The shaking from the earthquake could be felt as far away as San Diego, California, and Phoenix, Arizona. At the time I stated I had felt within my spirit that this earthquake
was a direct response to the meetings held in Washington. This appeared to be another reminder to both the Obama administration
and the world to keep their hands off the covenant land of Israel.
This seemed to be confirmed when events recently transpiring seemed to mirror those of early August. Last Friday, on January 8th, the Jordanian
Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh came again to meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The topic was once again the division
of Israel and Jerusalem. The Jordanian Foreign Minister wasn't the only foreign diplomat; Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed
Abul Gheit and Egyptian Intelligence Service Head Omar Suleiman also came to weigh in on the stalled peace process. The overwhelming
tone was one of concession and division.
Two days later a 6.5 earthquake struck off of the Californian coast, the West
Bank of the United States. Both times that these large earthquakes struck near the US border the Jordanian Foreign Minister
Nasser Judeh had met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton along with other Arab leaders about the pursuit of a Palestinian
state at the expense of Israel's covenant land. Both times an earthquake was felt within the boundary of the US. The goal at the most recent talks, as was at the previous in August,
was to rally behind the establishment of a Palestinian state within 2 years, with the pre-1967 borders as the basis for
this planned Palestinian state. Sensitive issues like refugees and more importantly the fate of Jerusalem were also
discussed. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
said, "The United States believes that through good-faith negotiations the parties can mutually
agree on an outcome which ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable state based on
the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps," she said, "and the Israeli goal of a Jewish state
with secure and recognized borders that reflects subsequent developments and meet Israeli security requirements." She also went on to address the sensitive issue of Jerusalem, summing
up East Jerusalem as a settlement matter and should be resolved as a settlement issue. "And as Minister
Judeh and I discussed earlier, resolving borders resolves settlements, resolving Jerusalem resolves
settlements," Clinton said. These
two earthquakes are clear warnings to abandon the pursuit of dividing Israel and Jerusalem. JEHOVAH's WORD is specific about
the fate of those nations that come up against Jerusalem and the curse that is brought on to those who disregard JEHOVAH's
covenant with Abraham continued through Jacob.
Unheeding these merciful warnings with the continued
pursuit of dividing Jerusalem and Israel WILL lead to a major dividing event in the United States. The foundation of
this nation cannot stand the lacerating instrument of the most HIGH. And in that day I JEHOVAH will make Jerusalem
a burdensome stone for all the nations; all who lift it shall be lacerated, and all the nations of the earth will be gathered
against it. Zechariah 12:3 (KJV &
Jay Green Interlinear Bible)
God Bless, daniel