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"The one concern of the devil is to keep [us] from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray."

- Samuel Chadwick

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Heavenly Father, Jacob sees and the scales have fallen! The nations have witnessed Your strong report, the Covenant is true.

Let us sing Hallelujah! Holy, holy is He, the LORD of Host, He has led the battle to victory! Before Your throne we dance and sing, JESUS CHRIST has won the victory! Hallelujah! Holy, holy, is He!

The wicked have fallen!

The Great Harlot is gone!

You forbid Jacob's destruction!

Ah, how great a remnant You have saved!

Sing glory, glory, Hallelujah! Great is He who has fulfilled every promise and won the victory!

Sing glory, glory, Hallelujah! Unto the Sword of David, unto Him that loved us, and unto Him that washed us from our sins in His own blood and won the victory!

Sing glory, glory, Hallelujah! Jacob has embraced the Son of man! Jew and Gentile come together unto the Messiah, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is, and was, and which is to come, the Almighty! It is He who has won the victory!


Sing, glory, glory, Hallelujah! We will sing and dance, as one, the songs of praise for all eternity!




Heavenly Father, I have found You as I have sought after Your presence. You have never failed me or abandoned me, even in my darkest hours.

I desire to serve You with a perfect heart and a willing mind. Cleanse me, perfect me and ready me with Your Holy Spirit.

Search my heart, O Lord!

Expose what I have still failed to wholly surrender over to Your righteous correction. Purge me with the flame of Your furnace; try me as silver.

Understand the imaginations and thoughts of my mind.

Guard my thoughts from the evils that lurks about, seeking whom they may destroy. Rid my mind of wickedness; preserve me for Your holiness.

Yahweh, who can compare to You?

Who has breathed the breath of life within the cover of flesh? Who has stretched out the stars one from another? Who has measured the weight and depth of the seas?

You have my God, Yahweh my Lord!

I will not worry, nor will I fear uncertainties. With the peace I have found in You, I am comforted in the certainty that You are always in control and have ordered my steps.

Praise the LORD, for HE is worthy of all my praise!

Come Lord Jesus, come quickly! Holy Spirit, prepare me for the Groom by continuing Your holy work in me. Father, thank You for never forsaking me, though countless times I have slipped, You have kept my feet upon the solid Rock.


1 Chronicles 28:9


Heavenly Father, who is worthy?

Who has not fallen short, miserably short of righteousness and Your glory?

Who can come before You blameless?

You have given us hope and reconciliation through Your Son! You reached through the darkness, pulling each of the souls of Your possession from the clutches of hell. You have severed the chains that bound us to eternal damnation.

You open the eyes of the blind, cause the lame to walk, the sick to dwell in health, and have made Your supernatural peace known to each soul that was torn by uncertainty's torment. You have given us countless reasons to rejoice!

There is none like Jehovah! There is none like the risen Savior Jesus Christ the Lord! There is no spirit like the Holiest, the very Spirit of our GOD!

Lead us Father through the wilderness, both physical and spiritual. Shut our mouths to grumbling. Let a shout of praise project from our lips, continually worshiping You in spirit and in truth.

It is by Your strength that we are able to endure the race. It is by the Blood of Your Beloved Son that we are washed white as snow. It is by Your Holy Spirit that peace can even be known. Praise You Yahweh, the Name above all names!

I am Yours my Lord!

Shape me, mold me, and overflow this vessel of Your creation with the Living Water that flows forth from the Highest Throne! Hallelujah!


Heavenly Father, preserve me as You did Your faithful servant David.

Expose the plots of the wicked. Expose the evils that seek to destroy my soul. Place discernment within my eyes and the assurance of Your voice within my spirit.

Put my enemies afar off from me. Bring closer those to whom my soul is well knit.

Cleanse my heart of evil, that I would never repay good with evil. Teach me to be a better husband, father, son, and brother. Let me repay the blessing of friendship to those who have blessed me with theirs.

Let not a wicked or cross word travel upon the sound of my lips. Place within my lips Your Word, that with praise I will forever sing Your worship.

Father, Your work is evident. Only the foolish refuse to acknowledge Your hand set the planets in motion or that Your words alone seperated the stars. It is a shame when man cannot see that he is the greatest work of the Creator, made in Your very image. Forgive us Lord.

Jehovah, Your strength and might are without measure! Let me never fear; only cause me to remain forever close to the knowledge of Your being that You have dispensed within me. In You I have found total peace and comfort.

Thank You Father for sending Your Son. Thank You Jesus Christ for willfully shedding Your own blood for my offense, and thank You Holy Spirit for continually doing the Lord's work in me even when I felt like giving up.


Heavenly Father, thank You for this day. Not only do I have life within my bones, but also I have Your peace within my soul and the assurance of Your eternal love.

Strengthen me by Your hand. Instill within me the dedication to walk Your narrow path. Along this path I have determined that Your way is the only way in which I desire to live.

Open my eyes and ears to the discerning unction of Your Holy Spirit. Reveal the evil that lures my soul back to darkness, that through the Blood of Your Son, my risen Savior, I would overcome every evil that comes to devour and destroy.

Jehovah, my heart rejoices as I think of You sitting upon the Highest Throne. I long to see You in all Your magnificent glory! Come Lord, come quickly Lord Jesus, that we may join You for eternity as You rule and reign, fulfilling every word of our Heavenly Father.

Father, keep me grounded in Your infallible Word. Keep me from drifting back and forth upon doctrines that come upon the winds. Help me trust what Your Holy Spirit teaches as I maintain a teachable heart.

My faith resides in You, Jesus Christ my Messiah!

Thank You Jesus for Your cleansing Blood, thank You Holy Spirit for keeping me within the shadow of the cross, and thank You Father for loving me so much that You sacrificed Your very own beloved Son.


Heavenly Father, You have taken my fears and insecurities, in their place now resides peace and confidence.

You have changed my doubt and disbelief into the certainty of my faith.

In my struggles You have never left me. Though the enemy of my soul raged against me, You never failed me. Praise You Lord!

In You I have found my strength.

You have held my feet from the grip of death and kept me from falling through the cracks of rebellion's eternal destruction.

Keep me firmly planted upon the Rock of my Salvation, the path that You have placed before me. It is Your righteous way that I desire, no other way will satisfy my thirst and hunger.

You are my Rabbi, my teacher of which no other compares. Teach me Your ways, that my understanding of You is increased! You are my Savior and my Lord! I am not ashamed of the name of my teacher, Jesus Christ is His holy name!

Jesus my Blessed Hope, thank You for piercing the darkness that once covered my eyes with obscurity. You have opened my eyes to see the work of Your hand and to receive Your gift of eternal life. Thank You Father for Your Son, thank You Jesus Christ for Your Blood, and thank You Holy Spirit for preparing me for His return!




Heavenly Father, renew our strength and lend us your hand so we can stand when we feel faint. Only through Your strength can we hope to make it through the race of life. Thank You for sending Your Son, thank You Jesus for carrying out the will of Your Father and dying on the cross for our sins. Holy Spirit please strengthen and encourage us. Amen


Heavenly Father, help us to see the path before us. When we struggle to do what it is that You have for us to do, reassure us, and continue to encourage us with Your Holy Spirit. Help us to lift those up around us, strengthen us as we wait for Jesus Christ to return. Thank You Jesus for Your priceless gift. Amen


Heavenly Father, when Satan tries to convince us the river bed is dry, reassure us with a flood of Your living water. Help us to see through the lies of the devil. You are our Rock and Defense. We rely on You to be our Provider and Pavilion. Comfort those who are without and may those who have give You thanks. Thank You Holy Spirit, thank You Jesus Christ, and thank You Heavenly Father for never leaving our sides. Amen


Heavenly Father, help us spread the message of Jesus Christ to those who have yet to hear of His love and death on the cross. Let us not be ashamed during these times of judgment, let us discern spirits that come falsely in Your name, and show us how to love those that are still living hedonistic lifestyles, for we too were taken out of these lives of sin. Thank You Holy Spirit, thank You Jesus Christ, and thank You Heavenly Father for never leaving our sides. Amen


Heavenly Father, continue to defend us against our adversary, the thief, Satan of whom you have cast from Heaven. Alow us to retain our peace and comfort that we find in Your Son Jesus Christ. Father we thank You for Your Son, we desire to abide in Him and Him in us. Continue to prepare us for the eventually return of Your Son. We look forward to You in sky Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit, thank You Jesus Christ, and thank You Heavenly Father for never leaving our sides. Amen


Heavenly Father, thank You for another beautiful day! Comfort those who are in need of comfort, heal those who are in need of healing, and chastise us with Your Holy Spirit for the purpose of preparing us as a spotless Bride for Jesus Christ. Father we give You thanks for all things and desire to continue in Your will. Thank You Holy Spirit, thank You Jesus Christ, and thank You Heavenly Father for never leaving our sides. Amen


Heavenly Father, continue to speak with those who have an ear. Give us the courage to speak the words of Jesus Christ, give us the courage to stand when others are not, and give us the courage to always proclaim Truth. Teach us what it means to live by faith, to embrace Your promises, and to live by the Words that come from Your Mouth. Thank You Holy Spirit, thank You Jesus Christ, and thank You Heavenly Father for never leaving our sides. Amen


Heavenly Father, show us Your will so that we may follow it. We can do nothing without You Father, we can conquer nothing of real value without the Blood of Jesus Christ, and we on our own cannot prepare ourselves to be a spotless Bride for Jesus Christ without the Holy Spirit. Help us understand when we must be patient, help us wait for Your answer, and when the enemy provokes frustration help us resist. Glory to Your name Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. Thank You Jesus, You are the only true Messiah! Amen


Heavenly Father, Please continue to pour out Your Living Water upon our thirsty souls. Continue to comfort us with Your Holy Spirit in this day of uncomfortable agendas. It is You that we give our devotion to, it is You that we rely on for strength, and it is You that we look to for our direction. Open our hearts, eyes, and spirit to receive our wonderful Comforter, Your Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit speak to us the way You have spoken to the elect of old. Minister to our spirit and prepare us to become a spot-less bride for Jesus Christ. Jesus thank You for Your self-less sacrifice, please come quickly, we desire to be reunited with You in Glory! Amen


Heavenly Father, Your promises give us hope! Your love makes us whole! Your Son is the reason for our salvation and the excitement of eternity. Father help those of us who have hearts on the verge of failure, help those that are becoming weak in these final days. Please send another brother or sister to bring words of encouragement and remind them that our strength in You Lord. Jesus because of Your blood our sin can be washed away for all eternity, Thank You Jesus! Amen


Heavenly Father, what a wonderful day You have made! We will rejoice and be glad in it! Father thank You for the food, shelter, comfort, and peace that we enjoy. So many have nothing in this world, help us reach out to those that have little. Thank You for Your rich blessings, though we could never repay such graciousness. We love You Jesus for what You have done in our place, You truly are the Best! Amen


Heavenly Father, continue to chastise us with Your Spirit. Continue to place upon our hearts urgency to pray, listen, and wait for Your direction. Father thank You for always being faithful, never leaving Your chosen, and staying firm in Your defense of the saints against the principalities and wickedness that desire our destruction. Thank You Jesus Christ for dying in our place, for presenting Yourself as the ultimate sacrifice. Amen


Heavenly Father, help us to hear Your Spirit's small still voice above the chaos that surrounds us. We take confidence in our faith, the faith that Jesus Christ died and rose again. We look to You for our provision, strength, and guidance. Help us to encourage those who have yet to make You their personal savior, help us be like John the Baptist and point people to the one and only Light of the World. Thank You Jesus for the blood that You spilt for us. Amen
